Wavy Marketplace - Sharon Gai
A photo depicting Sharon Gai
Wavy Experience Partner

Sharon Gai

Sharon Gai is the founder of Culture-Fluid.com that helps organizations build Cultural Intelligence and resilience. Her TEDx talk, “Culture Fluid”, has sparked a new way for companies to think about belonging and resilience in the workplace. "Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable" is her way to combat polarization and division in the workplace and in society. She has been the keynote speaker at Singularity University, UBS, Nestle, Ecomworld, and Etail. She is in the AAE list of Top Keynote Speakers in 2023. She has appeared on CBC, CCTV, Techcrunch, Retail Asia, Wired, and The Next Web. She is the author of the book, Ecommerce Reimagined: what we can learn in retail and ecommerce from China. Sharon has an Honors Bachelor’s degree in International Development from McGill and a Masters in Knowledge Management from Columbia University.

6 experiences